Vodka is a clear alcoholic drink which is mainly associated with Russia. However different varieties originat from Sweden and Poland, and it is now made around the world.
Traditionally Vodka is disttilled liquid from fermented liquid from grain or potatoes. Some brands use other fermented liquids sourced from fruit or honey etc.
Vodka is usually around 37 – 40 % proof alcohol and is mearly always drunk cold. It is also the base over several other well known drinks. Such as Screw Driver, Martini, Vodka and tonic, etc.
Vodka is usually drunk neat or with ice, or with certain mixers like tonic and coke. There are various countries that traditionally make vodka and these include Russia, Poland and Sweden to name a few. You will notice these are all northern countries.
A lot of vodka production is of clear unflavoured types. However there more and more flavoured vodka are becoming available.